The cognitive monster: The case against the controllability of automatic stereotype effects. In S. Chaiken, & Y. Trope (Eds.), Dual-process theories in social psychology
Prejudice as group position: Microfoundations of a sociological approach to racism and race relations.
The context and content of social identity threat. In N. Ellemers, R. Spears, and B. Doosje (Eds.), Social identity: Context, commitment, and content
Stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination. In S. Fiske, D. Gilbert, & L. Gardner (Eds.), The handbook of social psychology
The effects of stereotype threat on the standardized test performance of college students. In J. Aronson (Ed.) Readings about the social animal
Perceptions of racial group competition: Extending BlumerÕs theory of group position to a multiracial social context.
Prejudice as a response to perceived group threat: Population composition and anti-immigrant and racial prejudice in Europe.