Stigma and mental health in African Americans. In R. L. Braithwaite, S. E. Taylor, & H. M. Treadwell (Eds.), Health issues in the black community.
Do adolescents’ perceptions of parental racial attitudes relate to their intergroup contact and cross-race relationships?
Who is the victim here? The psychological effects of overrepresenting White victims and Black perpetrators on television news.
Determinants and Consequences of Jury Racial Diversity: Empirical Findings, Implications, and Directions for Future Research
Network News and Racial Beliefs: Exploring the Connection Between National Television News Exposure and Stereotypical Perceptions of African Americans.
Perceived discrimination and interracial contact: Predicting interracial closeness among Black and White Americans.
Interpreting references to group membership in context: Feelings about intergroup contact depending on who says what to whom.