For All of Our Children: Justice Thurgood Marshall’s Faith in Integration Is Still Right (January-April 2024 P & R Article)
Justice Marshall articulated the vision of a society in which we see all children as “our” children, such that we care about the welfare of all children, rather than constricting our circle of concern to include only those from our own racial backgrounds.” In the latest issue of PRRAC’s Poverty & Race journal, Rachel D. Godsil, Linda R. Tropp, and Kim Forde-Mazrui reflect on the promise of Brown v. Board on its 70th anniversary, and discuss the need for “radical integration” and meaningful engagement between members of different groups.
We deal here with the right of all of our children, whatever their race, to an equal start in life and to an equal opportunity to reach their full potential as citizens.
Justice Thurgood Marshall, dissenting, Milliken v. Bradley (1974), p.783.
Read the full article as published by the Poverty & Race Research Action Council at